Evangelist Andrew Johnson Family Preaching & Singing Ministry
Join our journey following Jesus!
Join our journey following Jesus!
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Order NOW! Our THIRD & NEWEST family album available on CD & all streaming platforms is SING, HALLELUJAH! Worship the Lord through 13 Christ honoring inspirational family songs!
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Order NOW! Our sophomore album is JESUS, LORD OF ALL! Enjoy 13 timeless inspirational fully orchestrated songs for the glory of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
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Order our first family album on CD, OH, WHAT A SAVIOR! Take a journey with Jesus through 12 inspiring songs.
Special Meetings partnering with Churches, Colleges, Conferences, and Camps
Where do you travel?
Literally anywhere, if it is a further distance we just ask the church to be flexible in scheduling, but by God's grace if we can make it we will be there!
How much do you charge?
We travel on a love offering basis. We live on the love offerings
Special Meetings partnering with Churches, Colleges, Conferences, and Camps
Where do you travel?
Literally anywhere, if it is a further distance we just ask the church to be flexible in scheduling, but by God's grace if we can make it we will be there!
How much do you charge?
We travel on a love offering basis. We live on the love offerings we receive. Some churches will choose to help with our expenses which we encourage, but never require for us coming. We, as all of God's children, live by faith.
Do you bring your family?
To travel without my family is the exception not the rule. There are occasions where I must go alone due to the short duration of a meeting or airline expense, but typically my family will always be with me.
Preaching, Teaching, Training
The Andrew Johnson Family Ministry exists to glorify & magnify God though Christ honoring music, proclamation of the Gospel for evangelizing the lost, and edifying the saints and equipping the body of Christ.
Andrew Johnson is an ORDAINED God-called, Spirit-filled, passionate Bible preacher with more
Preaching, Teaching, Training
The Andrew Johnson Family Ministry exists to glorify & magnify God though Christ honoring music, proclamation of the Gospel for evangelizing the lost, and edifying the saints and equipping the body of Christ.
Andrew Johnson is an ORDAINED God-called, Spirit-filled, passionate Bible preacher with more than 20 years of experience sent from Worth Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas. Preaching Revival Meetings, Camp weeks, Retreats, Colleges, Conferences, Graduations, Weddings, and Fellowships keep our calendar full.
It is of utmost importance to reach the next generation with the Gospel. Since 2005, I've taught young adults in churches, colleges, and camps all over the US. I have led VBS weeks for children across the country. I love being an encouragement to men's groups, youth groups, and senior citizen's groups. Making disciples is our goal.
I lead church wide and regional choir clinics and individual music leadership training.
Inspiring Variety of Church Music
We travel with our own sound system and orchestrations. We offer a wide variety of traditional Family/Solo & Instrumental church music. Listen to our three albums anywhere you stream music
Here are a few examples:
O Glorious Love, My Soul Found Rest
Southern Gospel
He Came to Me, For All He's Done
Inspiring Variety of Church Music
We travel with our own sound system and orchestrations. We offer a wide variety of traditional Family/Solo & Instrumental church music. Listen to our three albums anywhere you stream music
Here are a few examples:
O Glorious Love, My Soul Found Rest
Southern Gospel
He Came to Me, For All He's Done
Jesus, Thank You, Be Unto Your Name, His
Mercy is More
Jesus I Am Resting, Resting, Is He Worthy?
Strange Way to Save the World, Christmas
Hymn Medley, No More
Songleading with Enthusiasm
Instrumental (Viola, Ukelele & Guitar)
You Are My All in All
...and many more.